The Crown DriveCore Install (DCi) Series amplifiers offer **True Rack Density**, providing power points of 300W or 600W in 2-, 4-, or 8-channel configurations, all within a compact 2 Rack Unit form factor. This design allows for more channels in a single unit, enabling smaller infrastructure rooms and reducing operational costs while maximizing installation flexibility.
The Direct Drive Constant Voltage feature allows for cost savings by using smaller gauge wiring to drive speakers at either 70V rms or 100Vrms. By eliminating the need for a step-up transformer at the output, the DCi amplifiers deliver higher audio quality more efficiently. Additionally, the Channel Independent Hi-Z/Low-Z Selection capability enables the driving of either one or two speakers in low-Z mode or hundreds in high-Z mode (70Vrms or 100Vrms). This flexibility allows DCi amplifiers to power all loads on a channel-by-channel basis, providing better design versatility.
Another notable feature is the ability to Bridge Channel Pairs, even in 100Vrms mode, setting the DCi Series apart from other amplifiers. This capability offers greater adaptability for higher power applications, such as powering subwoofers. Moreover, the Remote On/Off Interface allows the amplifier to be integrated into a control system, making it easy to turn on and off, thereby saving power.
The DCi Series also boasts an Efficient Cooling Design with highly efficient internal cooling fans that direct airflow to the most heat-generating parts. This design maximizes cooling efficiency while minimizing wasted energy and noise. Finally, the Advanced Power Factor Correction (PFC) Universal Power Supply is the most advanced power supply available in installation amplifiers, providing power more efficiently in almost any condition. This results in less power dissipation and reduced heat in your racks, ensuring optimal performance and longevity of the equipment.
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